1x2 Soccer Ratings

Women's Football Country Ranking
Europe | Americas | Asia | Africa | Women | Youth

This Women's Football Country Ranking is based on betting odds. We take 1x2 odds to estimate present strength for soccer clubs.
You can also check the Football Club Ranking (ELO) or FIFA Country Ranking for national teams.

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 Women's Football Ranking Rating
England Women2015.38
Spain Women1925.18
Germany Women1921.92
France Women1873.04
Brazil Women1848.03
Argentina Women1816.41
Sweden Women1783.83
Scotland Women1753.06
Iceland Women1742.09
Norway Women1740.39
Italy Women1740.30

 Women's Football Ranking Rating
Denmark Women1698.84
Belgium Women1682.68
Netherlands Women1585.97
Japan Women1556.67
Mexico Women1525.09
Finland Women1517.70
Czech Republic Women1504.03
Israel Women1387.23
USA Women1332.98
Australia Women1317.69
South Korea Women1300.47

Compare strength of every football league in the world
In this list Top 7 teams per country are rated to represent a list comparable to official Women's Football Country Rankings.

How does the calculation work?
It's all about odds. In every game we check boomaker's odds. If odds for a country to win the match are very low (favorite to win), the rating will rise.
If odds for a country to win the match are very high (underdog), the rating will go down.
In contrast to traditional ELO ratings like the official FIFA World Ranking the result does not matter for the new rating, only odds. But of course the raking will be still very accruate ... and in fact even more accurate then with results, because we calculate with the probability of an exepcted win.

Mathematics, Stock Market & Chart Analysis
This approach is very mathematical. In fact it has a lot of similiarties with stock market and chart analysis.
In stock market you will try to find out if the price for a stock will rise or drop in the future.
A rise (Hausse) would be similiar to a win for a football. A drop (Baisse) would be similar to a loss for a football team.
In both markets, stock market & football betting, we can get a true advantage over other market participants using the information of soccer-rating.com.

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